Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Blessed Boredom

So far so good.  It's day 3 around here and the boredom has set in.  Actually it kinda set in early on day 1 but Phil is a champ and doesn't complain.  The chemotherapy has been uneventful and the hospital stay has been like going to visit old friends ~ everyone has commented on how great Phil looks, has gushed about his recovery and has been waiting for me to bring the kids around.

Phil's tolerated the adjustments in his regimen really well and other than feeling a little tired he's not had any real side effects of note.  He is not having any intrathecal chemo so he won't be getting any spinal taps (thank God) and won't have to contend with those potentially nasty sequelae.  Tomorrow he'll receive adriamycin (the "red devil") which will eventually make his hair fall out but until then things should be pretty benign.  

Dr. Kossman gave him the freedom to manage his diabetes which means he can give himself insulin, check his blood sugars and eat what he wants from the outside world in addition to the "gourmet" meals they offer him from Chez Cafeteria.  Just last night we dined on nephew Josh's homemade 1/2 margerite 1/2 goat cheese and arugula pizza.  Phil's got himself a stash of salt and pepper krinkle cut chips, too ; )!  Why is he getting such special privileges you ask?  Currently, he's sporting a Hgb A1C of 5.65 (a measure of his blood sugar control over the last few months) which is KICK-ASS!

So, when he isn't lying in bed eating pizza, basking in the glow of the admiring staff, taking naps or watching The Pacific on DVD,  he is dealing with some boredom.  But to a one, we are all thankful for the boredom this time around compared to the alternative and the roller coaster of last time. We know there is a big drop off coming when his energy will be depleted and the washout will hit.  Today is day 3 and that's coming on about day 8 or 9.  We're taking it a day at a time and this feels pretty nice.  Think we'll all just enjoy it for now.


  1. What good news, AJ and I are home thanking Jesus for this update and listening to the song (Seeds Music, we love it!) Matthew 7:7-8, "Ask and it will be given to you, seek and you will find, knock and the door will be open. Everyone who asks receives, he who seeks finds, and him who knocks the door will be open." We are singing our prayers for you Conrads this morning.
    Jeff loves The Pacific, wish we were in town so the guys could have some shoulder time and us girls could enjoy time together. Praying your boredom is a very busy time of being reminded how much you are all loved by God, family, and friends. We are contenting for you Phil, Sally, Bennett, and Olivia!!!
    Jenn, Jeff, and Alexa Joy

  2. It was wonderful to see you two and Phil's mom yesterday! Can not believe it had been so long.
    You guys are great! Remember we are just a drive away- anytime or anything you may need, you know where to find us.
    Pinky Promise!

    love to you all
    D and D xxxxx
