Friday, November 5, 2010

Supporting Team Conrad

As I write this afternoon I find it difficult to believe that it is November.  Yesterday saw a temperature of 100 degrees in downtown San Diego, the highest ever on record.  It has been 92 and 98 here in El Cajon the last two days and we've had impromptu swim parties after school to close out the first week of the month.  When I consider all that's happened in the last few months, this weather really shouldn't come as a surprise.  After all, everything that's been happening to us has been surprising and unexpected.

Today Phil and I spent our morning with a disability lawyer, answering questions and completing all the necessary paperwork to file for federal disability benefits.  What a process it is too.  You know you are dealing with a governmental entity when they ask you questions like, "did you ever work for the railroad?"  Or if they ask you more than three times "are you a U.S. citizen?"  

Our attorney, Lawrence (Larry) Rohlfing, was the nicest, most down to earth guy you'd want to work with.  After the whole rig-a-ma-role of providing him the detailed story of Phil's diagnosis, chemotherapy, brain infection, fungus-among-us, surgery and recovery details, Larry proceeded to assure us Phil'd be approved in short order for full benefits.  In his professional opinion Phil's case would be quickly approved and after the standard waiting period of 5 months he'd be receiving benefits.  What's more, if things went as smoothly as he predicted, he would not be charging us a cent.  Can I get a whoot whoot?!  It took him at least 1 1/2 billable hours to complete all the paperwork just to submit Phil's application.  You and I know there's more behind the scenes crapola for him to do so that was not an insignificant gesture.  

While this is great news, practically, we continue to have needs financially and will for a long time to come.  Phil has been out of work since this began and I have been unemployed outside of our home as well.  Obviously, my job has been to care for him, manage the medical details and moving parts, and to care for our two young children.  If you are inclined to support us financially, we are asking you to consider a $10 or $20 monthly donation, committing for a year like an NPR fund raising drive - that would give Phil and I a figure that we could budget with.   The wisdom in this approach is to give Phil and I financial peace of mind throughout the uncertainties of the coming year.   If giving a one time donation works better for you that will of course be appreciated as well.  

If you aren't in a position to help financially then please continue to lift us up in prayer, write to us with your encouragement and words of love, and continue to cheer Phil and I on with your words, texts, calls and funny stories.  We constantly rely on the love, support and fellowship of Team Conrad!

Thank you for all that you've done and are doing for us.  We are humbled and amazed at the outpouring of God's love for us!

Livestrong and love one another well!



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2- click on the <send money> tab
3- type in
4- enter $ amount
5- click on the <personal> tab
6- select gift
7- click on the <send> button


  1. It isn't easy to ask for what you need but you can't get what you need without asking -- once again your strength comes through loud and clear. Thanks for letting us help you.

  2. Sally,

    It helps all of us so much when we are given avenues in which we can provide tangible help.

