Sunday, December 18, 2011

I've been in bed more or less for the last 48 hours. Migraines have a way of doing that for me. They exercise control over all my best laid plans and take over my body, mind and even try to move in on soul territory. Fortunately, to use good old scary fundamentalist language "I've been washed in the blood of the lamb" and Satan's minions won't be able to touch me there with their fire pokers from hell (migrainous shocks of searing pain).

On Friday morning, the last day of school before Christmas break, I woke up with a killer headache and nausea and the distinct knowledge that I would not be operating any heavy machinery i.e. a car. When I told the kids of my predicament between waves of nausea, and asked if they wanted someone else to take them to school or if they would rather sleep in with me and miss their Christmas parties, they were in solidarity about staying home to care for me. Never have you heard such sweet children. "Oh Mom, we'll do whatever you need us to." "We won't fight. Promise." "I don't really care about parties anyway, Mom". And just like that, we were all back asleep until 9:30 a.m.

Once the kids got up they pretty much ran things around here. By that I mean there were no fights, no one got hurt and they ate ~ a little bit at least. When I finally stumbled out of my rack a few hours later they were both happily playing on their computer games and had eaten sourdough toast, 2 pears and a bowl of God-awful sugary cereal that I once swore I'd never buy. So much for that oath. The house was stone cold because I hadn't been up to make the fire but they'd improvised with layers, hoodies and blankets and none was the worse off for it. I was immediately thankful. I threw some real food at them and went back to bed to suffer some more in private. Despite a plethora of meds (AND sending a man to the moon) I still can't get rid of my migraines in less than two days.

That evening and next morning were a lot the same until I pulled out of the fog. Now, I gotta stop for a sec and pray you don't think you need to be calling CPS or anything because of my benign neglect here. It wasn't as bad as I've made it out to be. But I think it is high time I give you a slice of the reality you've been asking for and that I've been needing to provide so you don't think me so superhuman. Why yes, I, Sally Conrad, can be a crappy parent (wha? Shock! Awe!) and at times can barely make it through the day - migraine or not. For you see, today is day 3 and I'm finding it hard to break this cycle of being in bed all day and not doing anything. It was easy when the kids were in school, they had no idea. Now they are accomplices with me. I keep checking with them to see if they are OK and they assure me they are. They are each happy playing their DS or on the computer or reading or being by themselves. We are all just hanging out, separately. Part of me thinks we should all be together, "doing our grief" and the other part is loving the quiet solitude of "mischief managed". But at its roots it doesn't feel healthy and I know I have to be careful here.


  1. Please don't worry about being 'careful' just yet, Sally. I think the days you're describing sound just about right for week 5 of a loss - and a long extended illness - this rough field of obstacles that you all have just plowed through. Everyone fought the good fight. Everyone is exhausted - to the bone. So staying in pj's, playing mindless games, sleeping in - whatever - it sounds like practical and needful stuff. Maybe you could find a DVD or 2 or 3 that you'd all enjoy watching. That way you'd be a teensy bit more together - but you know what? You're in the same space, a space that feels safe to you all, and that is hugely important. And you're in that space together. Prayers for the final disintegration of the nasty migraine and for just enough light at the end of the tunnel to keep you facing forward. NOT necessarily moving forward just yet - but looking in the same direction at the same time. You're doing just fine, Sally C - really you are. Love you, praying for you.

  2. One day at a time, and your kids will do just fine. They know they are loved. Hope the migraines are soon a thing of the past. Still praying for you! Billie

  3. Sally,

    I know how bad migraines can be, and having your kids take care of themselves and a little of taking care of you is not all bad. For some odd reason, wild cherry pepsi with Advil migraine works best for me - does not immediately take a migraine away, but will deaden it better than anything else does.

    Your kids will have bouts of grieving, but getting one with day-to-day living is a good step, and that means dealing with other illnesses, missing parties, having fun with each other and having individual time as well.

    Keep living day to day!


  4. Sally - I've been in a similar place for different reasons (neuromuscular disease and divorce) and I hear what you are saying. Sometimes it's hard to get moving for physical reasons, sometimes for emotional ones, and sometimes even people who have it good have a hard time doing much. The fact that you know you need to be careful is all I need to hear to know you will be just fine. I imagine there will be more days when you don't feel like getting up and as long as basic needs are met the kids can handle it for a bit. Sometimes that time alone is what you need to get through the next part. No need to call CPS for dealing with illness and grieving -- I'm sure you can come up with something better ; ) Love you lady, and praying you keep remembering to love yourself even when you feel you aren't at your best!
    Kathi McShane
