Friday, December 24, 2010

Conrad Christmas Eve

Wouldn't you just know it? Just like those days when we'd come home from college all exhausted and overextended and promptly fall ill with whatever germ de jour happened to be circulating, Phil woke this morning feeling tres miserable with nausea and vomiting. Unfortunately, when one has cancer this can't be taken lightly so a call was put in to his oncologist.

For now it's IV fluids and take it easy on the stomach but I'll keep you posted in case of worsening. Nothing would be more unfortunate than to have worsening symptoms going into Christmas day! We're all hoping this is just lack of sleep or maybe something he ate. Perhaps we're serving too few leafy greens around here these days and he's been sneaking too many Nuts and Chews from our See's candy stash?

When we're not tending to him we'll be running around town doing those last minute errands I swore I wouldn't be running around doing this year. But mostly, we'll be remembering the best and most undeserved gift of all, the birth of Jesus, who "did not to come to explain away suffering or remove it, but to fill it with his presence."

As you enjoy your Merry Christmas please keep Phil in your prayers~

Much love,



  1. wonderful wishes to all!!!! it is true... we'll be remembering the best and most undeserved gift of all, the birth of Jesus, who "did not to come to explain away suffering or remove it, but to fill it with his presence."

    Thanks Sally.... the marquez family

  2. Merry Christmas to all of you. We are thanking Immanuel for being our God With Us and specifically thanking Him for allowing Phil to be with all of you this Christmas. What a blessing. Love to all of you!
    Jenn, Jeff, and AJ

  3. Sorry to hear that Phil is feeling so ill this Christmas eve. I pray that he feels better asap and that is indeed just a 24 hour flu, hopefully even shorter than that!. Hopefully he is feeling better ALREADY! May you feel the presence of Jesus
    Many Christmas blessings to your family.

  4. I said a special prayer this evening at mass for Phil to feel better by tomorrow morning, and lit a candle for him, too. Merry Christmas. Andrea

  5. Merry Xmas -- hoping that all is calm there. You are in my prayers, as always.
