Monday, February 6, 2012

Home is Where the Heart Is

I bought a house this week and it is beautiful!  It's far nicer than anything Phil and I looked at when we briefly house hunted in July of 2010.  At that time what we could afford were older homes that were very small or that needed a good deal of "sweat equity" as Phil liked to call it.  Once he was diagnosed with lymphoma we quickly shelved our dream of buying a home and tried to protect our little nest egg as best we could, not knowing what was in store for us.

Now here we are, the kids and I, all these months later, on the cusp of moving into our new home, our "forever home" as Bennett puts it, all made possible by Phil's sacrifice and death.  Kinda sad.  Kinda crazy.  But mostly, it's amazing and shows how provisional his love was.  Even in death, he is taking care of us and he's made my "workplace" for raising our kids even more precious.  We will be in a beautiful home that is convenient to everything, spacious and comfortable, perfect for entertaining and yet quiet and tranquil.  There is even space for our beloved-behemoth-hound Zack and for the gardening to come.  There is sunshine all around and I will never have to move if I don't want to.  Ahhhh. 

Thank you Phil!  We will talk of you here and tell stories of your incredible life.  We will rest here when the going gets tough.  We will laugh and have fun here!  By putting a roof over our heads and giving us a safe and secure place to rest our heads and our hearts you have given us a place to rebuild our lives and heal our broken hearts.  We will move on confidently in life without you here with us because you have provided the means for us to do so.   As we move into our new home we will be taking you with us, in our hearts and memories, forever.  You have our love, always.  


  1. Oh, Sally. This one made me weep. Thank you, Lord. thank you, Phil. The same sweetly sad thing happened for my daughter. After years of not much because he was so very sick, once he died, so many loving things could happen for their little family. Be blessed and happy in this space, Sally. Love to you.

  2. I'm so glad you are able to feel some happiness after such difficult years, Sally. xo

  3. Blessings on your move -- and may grace abound in your new sacred space....

    Dave Ritter

  4. May you find peace, joy, fun, and laughter within these new walls and beyond...
