Thursday, November 25, 2010


The Conrad's will be spending Thanksgiving day in sunny California with 29 friends and family at their home in the hills of beautiful El Cajon. We'll be enjoying more food than we can possible eat, more laughs than we've had in a long while and great company.

My sister Terry (of Mother Teresa fame from previous posts) usually hosts this shindig at her house down the street but seeing as how she only has about 1500 sq. feet to our 3400, well, you can do the spatial computations and figure it out. Having been in the Northwest for the last 14 years I've only heard about these Thanksgiving throw downs so I'm pretty pumped to be participating in one myself. This year I got off relatively easy for a well-known or at least self-professed good cook. Pecan Pie and Glazed Pearl Onions were all I have on my to do list, besides of course, having a clean house and supplying a few serving dishes et al. Easy peasy!!

What cracks me up is how intently my sister takes this whole turkey dinner considering she's a "vegetarian" and turkey and/or stuffing haven't passed her lips since Methuselah was a baby- and we all know Methuselah farts dust. Just goes to show you what being a real chef is all about. Kudos once again to you Mother Teresa. My sister reads this blog so that should show you something about the nature of my relationship with her, that I can put this kind of thing about her on the web for perpetuity and not make her mad. She really is a saint and I am so thankful to have her just down the street!

At any rate, it's now time for me to get those onions cooking and get showered before the guests arrive. Just wanted to give you a little perspective on how normal our day will be today. Full bellies, full hearts, probably some football too. Phil is doing great and we'll be thanking an Almighty God for that.

As I said on my Facebook post earlier today, I am thankful to have been given the opportunity to say THANK YOU over the past few months more times than I have in the last few years combined. Being humbled and laid low is truly the most high place. May you be equally transformed in your thanks giving.

1 comment:

  1. What a blessed time we had with all of you. It was great seeing Team Conrad in person. Love and hugs,
    Jenn, Jeff, and Alexa Joy
